Friday, July 22, 2011

Let's go backwards shall we?

For those of you who are new to my style of blogging because I'm so bad at keeping up with blogging and life I recount backwards. Only seems natural since those are the memories that are freshest. Also the most recent memories are the true Irish shenanigans. The tales to come later are ones from home...

So it's now July and mostly what I've been up to is writing and stressing out about my thesis. Which will basically be the tune that I will be singing for the next two months. Ah well. C'est la vie... Just a small step towards the career goal right?

ANYWHO onto more fun things... GIGS!

The most recent gig that I went to was the absolutely fabulous Janelle Monae. She was absolutely amazing. The show itself was an amazing treat. I've always said the best shows not only have the artist at their very best but a true entertaining bit as well. Treat for the eyes as well as the ears if you will. Because of this until now the Green Day/Jimmy Eat World double headliner that I went to with a bunch of my friends during undergrad and the Jason Mraz/Makepeace brothers/Bushwalla show I went to that had the undertones of magic involved with Justin Willman (formerly known as Justin Kredible) are the two best gigs I have been to... bar Janelle Monae. She had the same kind of theme as in her music video for "Tightrope" which was very cool. I didn't get any really great photos as my camera ran out battery but this is what I've got:
The ever so fabulous Janelle Monae
A couple days before that we went to "Live at the Marquee" in Cork City and what a freaking cool venue! Basically it's a huge tent but still outdoors and definitely felt like I was at a festival or something. We saw the great Fleet Foxes and they were fanTAStic. They are all so talented and it was great to see them display their talents live!
The guy in the beanie is my favourite...
While I was in California I went to Soul Slam, basically Prince vs. Michael Jackson night, and had an absolute blast as well. No photos from that night as I was busy dancing up a storm with my fantastical sister whilst her awesome DJ boyfriend laid down some great tunes.

BUT the night before I left for California Meghan and I went to watch The Tallest Man on Earth. Contrary to popular belief he most definitely is not the tallest man on Earth but he is absolutely a FANTASTIC musician and ... get this he's Swedish! When he sings he sounds pretty darn American but then he talks and it's like "Oh what the deuce....?" One of my favourite songs of his is "King of Spain" .. give it a listen. Pretty good stuff.

So ends post #1 about the six week hiatus I took from the blog. The food that made me gain the weight I lost will be next!

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