So finally I am able to write about my Irish music festival experience. It proved to be quite the experience and I loved every second of it! Meghan and I got to Stradbally Estate in County Laois on early Friday afternoon. We (well mainly she) set up the tent and it proved to be a bit more work than we expected.
There she is with the finished product! |
Friday proved to be great music-wise. Started the day off with some little known bands but that were pretty good. We saw Shouting at Planes, The Lost Brothers, Willy Mason, Foster the People, The Pains of Being Pure at Heart, M. Ward, Santigold, Sinead O'Connor, Interpol and Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes! See? Pretty darn good and that's only some of the people that were playing that day! My favourite? I'd say Santigold and Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes. Santigold had some awesome backup dancers and she was just having so much fun on stage! It was definitely infectious. And then of course Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes are just amazing musicians (I mean comon there's TEN of them!)
Then on Saturday started with Le Galaxie (who I've been wanting to see for such a long time), Adebisi Shank, Toots and the Maytals, OMD, Lykke Li, Health, Arcade Fire, The Chemical Brothers and Public Enemy. Those were the acts that I caught. I know it seems like less but I pretty much watched the whole sets for people on this day rather than bouncing around like crazy. I wanted to absorb the artists as much as I could. Ha. OH also I had my first ferris wheel ride! The thing spun around and it made me super sick... and made me feel old because I was like, "Oh no... I can't take spinny rides anymore."
Sunday was interesting because usually the music selection dies down at festivals on the last day (from what I've seen anyway) but it was crazy good! I watched Favourite Sons, Oh Land, Japanese Popstars, the Go! Team, The Drums, The Family Stone, Beirut and Pulp. I missed Clap Your Hands Say Yeah and James V McMorrow but hopefully I'll get to see them some other time. I spent Sunday night in a caravan... my first time ever in a caravan! It was very cramped but at least I wasn't freezing like Saturday night. Haha.
Overall, it was a super fun weekend with some super awesome music. I wish I could come every year. It kind of reminded me of Coachella with its sense of hippiness and happy people... but I was surrounded by Irish folk. I wasn't a minority just because I'm Asian, but because I'm from the US as well! Haha. Interesting experience overall. And now for some photos!
Ms. Sinead O'Connor! |
Foster the People! So so good! |
Santigold with her awesome dancers |
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Toots and the Maytals! |
OMD... yes I know I'm a crazy 80s kid haha |
Lykke Li |
Wuhoo! |
Arcade Fire :) |
My hand was shaking too much from excitement haha |
Public Enemy... meheh |
The Family Stone |
The Go! Team |
Beirut!!!! SOO SOOO GOOD |
The Drum :) |
Ahhhh Pulp... hahhha |
Dude so jealous you got to see sinead o'connor! haha you like that out of all those people im most jealous about her? lol glad you you have fun. also I MISS YOU and i cant wait for you to come home. my life will most def. be better with you in close proximity.