So apparently feeling better doesn't mean that I'm all better. I had my check up on Monday and the physician told me that over the next couple months I still have to watch myself because of the type of complications I had after the first surgery. Speaking of the complications from the first surgery... So they finally told me exactly how bad it was. For any of you that know anatomy, you know where your small intestines are and how they're situated. For those of you who don't, basically they kind of sit smushed together in the center of your abdomen kind of near your navel and your large intestine kind of makes a circle around it. So anyway, my adhesions were so bad that my small intestines had gathered near the site of my removed appendix. Isn't that insane?! My body hates me.
Oh and our flat has officially become the sick bay of Bachelors Walk. Because of my multiple trips to the hospital, Meghan is now sick too! Totally my fault... I feel so bad. At least now I can kind of take care of her? Ha ... not really. I went shopping for like 45 minutes today and had to lie down for like 3 hours. I'm so lame. What did I do while laying down? Watched one of the two Korean dramas that I will watch, My Name is Kim Sam Soon. Mostly because I'm basically her... without the crazy contract relationship.
Anywho, Meghan has now started a blog too! Hers is check it out!
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